Why Local Advertising is Best

Local publications provide a special kind of connection with consumers and connect residents with their community.
Why local advertising is best

Why Local Publications Have The Edge

Local publications (especially the well established Blue Book!) provide a special kind of connection with consumers. While national papers provide a window to a broader world, the Blue Book connects residents to their community and to each other.

According to readership studies, about two-thirds or 67% of residents in communities read local publications from one to seven days per week. Studies conclude that local publications continue to be the primary source of information for consumers living in small towns and cities across the country. 

Looking further into the numbers, 94% of responders agreed their local publication was informative; 80% said they and their families looked forward to reading the publication; 78% said they relied on their local publication for local news and information; and 72% said the publications entertained them. Such studies highlight the perceived value of local publications and the important role they play in communities. This is a true asset to advertisers.

Sure, national ads offer more exposure, more eyeballs on your ad (possibly) but that exposure and those eyeballs may not mean anything if you don’t get a return on your investment. The truth is most small businesses’ ad spend would be much better served in local publications (like the Blue Book!)

Another benefit of local advertising is the rapid turnaround on production changes. If you need to make last-minute changes to your ad (and it’s bound to happen at some point in your campaign), the Blue Book advertising department can usually get the job done quickly.

At Blue Book we are big fans of local advertising and know firsthand the benefits print ads bring to our clients. Whether you wish to promote a one-off event or gain exposure on a more regular basis, we believe Blue Book Advertising should be the cornerstone of any campaign, especially so in the Angeles City, Subic, Olongapo and surrounding areas.